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Climber-made in Cape Town

Travel-sized training pinch-blocks. CNC-milled for extra accuracy and symetry. Take it along outdoors to warm the tendons up or hang from the Edge Board in yor livingroom. Vary-depth slots for finger strength options.

By attaching a weight to the eyelet, pinch the 'edge', lift and hold. Ideally used in conjunction with a training regime - ask us to put you in contact with a trainer for a program.

Sizing refers to the depth of the 'edge' - ie a small edge requires more pinch strength than the X-Large as there is smaller surface area (like a crimp v jug)

Scroll the images above for visual sizing

  • Flat: 80mm x 40mm x 12mm Deep
  • Small: 55mm x 38mm x 15mm Deep
  • Medium: 80mm x 40mm x 22mm Deep
  • Large: 100mm x 62mm x 22mm Deep

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