Vertigo Virtual Rally

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Vertigo Virtual Rock Rally

In these times of virtual everything, we thought we'd get in on the gees with a virtual Rock Rally! Based on the proven success of the best rock rally ever - The Boven Rock Rally - a handicap system attempts to level the playing fields across the grade range. Here's how the scoring works:

The sport and boulder grades are tabled out-of-sync (as someone remarked: "is anything <5 even bouldering") and the corresponding ROW numbers used to calculate the points (this was an attempt to reach parity across the two grade systems)

  • Handicap: [(your hardest ever REDPOINT) + (your hardest ever FLASH) + (your hardest REDPOINT in the last 2years) + (your hardest FLASH in the last 2years)] divide by 4
  • Every route or boulder, regardless of grade, has a 7-point value before handicap and bonus'
  • 2 point bonus if it's Onsight/FLASH or Trad
  • Points = 7 minus the difference between your handicap and the grade plus bonus.

Prizes will be awarded monthly and quarterly:

  • Hardest SEND 
  • Most Routes Climbed
  • Highest Accumulated Score

This is an honesty based comp, so try to keep it honest and lighthearted guys

Hardest boulder: 8A (row 19)
Hardest boulder flash: 7C (row 17)
Hardest boulder in last 5yr: 7A+ (row 14)
Hardest boulder flash in last 5yr: 6B (row 9)

Handicap = (19+17+14+9)/4 = 15 (rounded)

If boulder 6A+ (row 8) then the points: 7-(15-8) = 0
However if you FLASH 6A+ there's the extra 2 bonus points

Row Sport Grade Boulder Grade
1 13 5A
2 14 5A+
3 15 5B
4 16 5B+
5 17 5C
6 18 5C+
7 19 6A
8 20 6A+
9 20 6B
10 22 6B+
11 23 6C
12 24 6C+
13 25 7A
14 26 7A+
15 27 7B
16 28 7B+
17 29 7C
18 30 7C+
19 31 8A
20 32 8A+
21 33 8B
22 34 8B+
23 35 8C
24 36 8C+
25 37 9A